Dagen is Sweden’s largest Christian daily newspaper.
Swedish Roxen keeps growing – agreement signed with three more newspapers

Dagsavisen is a Norwegian nationwide newspaper.
The two Norwegian newspapers Klassekampen and Dagsavisen as well as the Swedish newspaper Dagen are choosing production tools from the Swedish company Roxen for their print publishing. Earlier this spring, Roxen also signed a contract with The Philadelphia Inquirer, one of America’s leading morning newspapers.
Klassekampen and Dagsavisen are both Norwegian nationwide newspapers and Dagen is Sweden’s largest Christian daily newspaper. All three will now switch to Roxen Editorial Portal, a modern cloud service that enables efficient print production integrated with the newspaper’s online system.
“With Roxen Editorial Portal, the newspaper editorial staff has complete control over layout and quality and avoid manual tasks, thanks to automated templates. The entire system is cloud-based and integrated with the customer’s digital platform,” says Per Östlund, CEO of Roxen.
Modern production of physical newspapers
The founders of Roxen created the first Swedish website back in 1993, and has since developed digital publishing platforms for customers around the world. Since a few of years back the company has full focus on its cloud service for efficient and integrated paper newspaper production.
“The print issue is still important for driving revenue and for the brand, something that is proven by the influx of new customers who already have modernized their online platform but now sees the need to integrate print production,” says Per Östlund.
“By focusing on the development of an innovative service for print in collaboration with some large media companies, we have been able to capitalize on our long history of developing production and publishing tools for media in order to specialize in a modern and efficient cloud service for newspaper production,” says Per Östlund.